A Sense of Mission – Answering the Call
Published September 2021 | Joan Reid, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mandeville
The Mandeville Seventh-day Adventist church recognized its real purpose and its gospel mandate to be a beacon of light and to give faithful
service to the society in general and to the immediate community in particular.
On Wednesday, September 8, 2021, the church opened the doors of the church hall to the Mandeville Regional Hospital (MRH) for use as an
adjunct to their Outpatient Department. The Outpatient Department was being retrofitted to boost accommodation for Covid -19 patients at the
hospital. The Regional Director of Southern Regional Health Authority (SRHA), Michael Bent, reported that the services offered by the Outpatient
Department would now be accommodated at the church hall of the Mandeville SDA church. The church hall, which is located just metres from
the hospital, was retrofitted to support patients with underlying issues as well as to support the effort to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
There are times in our Christian walk when we need to be
challenged – when we need to be reminded of why we are actually
Christians. Recognising the need, Pastor Francis West, the senior
pastor of the church, along with Pastor Vincent Peterkin, the first
elder, as well as the church board, immediately agreed to partner
with the hospital to give them the assistance they needed.
The outpatients themselves demonstrated a sense of gratitude with
expressions of joy for the spacious, pleasant and comfortable
environment that they were now experiencing. Some have
expressed the desire to remain at that location even after Covid-19
has passed.
Mr Alwyn Miller, CEO at the hospital also indicated his gratitude to
the church for granting the use of the facility and for giving it to them
free of charge for the duration of the time needed. The hospital
provided tents and seating accommodation on the grounds for the
comfort of the outpatients.
It is a privilege for the church to be involved in a health-inspired programme such as this and to be able to share the message that Seventh-day
Adventists are compassionate people who care about the needs of others. The church members conduct devotional sessions each morning and
distribute books and other spiritual reading materials to the staff and patients.
It was Ellen G. White, one of the early pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist church, who said, “Our time and talents belong to God, to be used for
His honor and glory.” She also said that, “Every sacrifice made for the purpose of blessing others, every appropriation of means for the service of
God will be treasure laid up in heaven.” (R&H 1896)
The church is one organization that understands the needs of the society and seeks to fulfil those needs through its spiritual mission and joyful
engagement with people who desire to have a meaningful relationship with Christ.
It is our prayer that the mission of the Mandeville SDA church, which is to lead people to have a closer walk with Jesus every day, will be realized
by its support to the Mandeville Regional Hospital Outpatient Department.